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Wind Power

Renewable Guard


The size and scale of wind projects have increased significantly over the past decade. This adds to the complexity and insurability of selecting technology and EPCs to construct these projects. Renewable Guard stays at the forefront of these issues and keeps our clients apprised so that they can make decisions that will improve insurability while reducing costs on their wind projects.

Bespoke Solutions for the Wind Power Industry

Concierge Insurance Services

Sometimes insureds feel like they are discarded or lost at big box insurance brokerages. Not here. With elite, high-caliber, and high-touch customer relations, we provide our clients with a concierge experience that they won’t find elsewhere.

Project finance closing support

We have bolstered our support for your closings by hiring a former STANCE insurance lender consultant on staff. Having represented lenders and tax equity investors on hundreds of renewable energy transactions, our consultant now uses that knowledge to help clients navigate insurance requirements for closings.

parametric insurance

Renewable Guard helped innovate the first parametric hail solution for solar 3 years ago. Since then we have expanded to other severe weather exposures. Parametrics have the ability to be far more competitive than traditional insurance.

Tax credit insurance

With the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act, there are more questions than ever about the application of tax credits. This can also give investors heartburn and tax credit insurance is a great solution for addressing these concerns while helping deals get done.


Renewable Guard has helped to develop and provide surety resources that have many use cases in renewables. Bonds can often be used as an alternative instrument for the following: Interconnection Agreements, PPAs, Decommissioning, and Material Procurement or Purchase Order Bonds. Learn how our surety resources can improve liquidity.

RG scorecard

How does your existing insurance program compare to the rest of the industry? The RG Scorecard is designed to help answer this question by benchmarking your program to the rest of the industry and providing you with your own personalized scoring.

Master Builder’s Risk

We have developed our own Master Builders Risk product to provide insurance during the construction of your projects. Terms are competitive and offer coverage that is better than the market.

Claims Masterclass

Renewable Guard hosts a class for our clients to educate them and dispel many misconceptions around insurance claims. This class is designed to mitigate loss while showcasing our client support capabilities when claims do occur.